Psychomatrix (Pythagorean Square) Cells Interpretation Part 1
Before interpreting any particular psychomatrix, we need to know how to analyze and interpret every cell in this square per the quantity of digits filling it.
Every single cell is responsible with a certain aspect of our being and its functionality. They act like computers communicating with each other (input) and depend on each other following directions from left → right and from up ↓ down. (scroll on mobile to view all the cells in this table)
Psychomatrix / Pythagorean Square
1 Psychic/Character | 4 Physical Body/Health | 7 Spirituality |
2 Energy/Potential | 5 Intuition/Self-Esteem | 8 Duty/Responsibility |
3 Creativity/Cognition/Interest | 6 Work/Pragmatism/Sexuality | 9 Intelligence/Memory/Adaptability |
Pythagorean Square Cells Explained
Worried if there’s no digits in a cell or too many of them? Every person is unique and the numbers given at birth can manifest differently for anyone. Every person has their unique number of digits in a cell according to their psycho matrix. The number of digits in a cell means the way in which certain qualities are manifesting in you.
So, let’s see all possible variations.
No digits (empty)* – The quality is absent or manifesting unstable, to extremes
One digit – The quality is week, underdeveloped
Two digits – The quality is developed, but it’s not dominating others
Three digits – Ideal quality development, ‘trinity’ is perfection
Four digits – Quality is strongly developed, but that’s not the limit
Five digits – Overdeveloped quality, it can suppress other characteristics and interfere in that person’s quality of life
Six digits & more – Overcharged development of quality; it can drop suddenly or manifest to maximum in certain conditions
Take note:
- If a cell has an odd number of digits → the quality is self orientated, receiving / absorbing to self
- If a cell contains an even number of digits → that quality is orientated towards others, receiving and giving back
Isn’t that interesting?… 🙂
Extra Notes*:
No digits (empty) – some numerologist say when that happens, actually the cell is not empty but there is Zero (God) acting in there when it’s needed (independent of you). Some say that the cell is blocked and you cannot operate on it because it was developed to maximum in other lives and you don’t not need it for this life’s purpose.
Based on my assumptions, the cell was developed to maximum in past lives and you can manifest its whole power – when and only if needed – if your (self) consciousness is high enough to manifest your divine power as a spiritual being. Not sure if you should, though.
Personal development – if the quality of any cell is week (one or two digits), you can work upon yourself and start a personal development journey to add virtual ‘extra digits’ and strengthen a cell through learning, exercising, reading, developing skills, improving metal capacities, endurance, eating healthy, getting knowledge and so on.
Quantity Of Digits In Pythagorean Square Cells
Let’s dig into the quality of every cell of the Pythagorean square per quantity of digits contained.
Cell 1 – Psychic Force
Psychic Intelligence – Character & Will Power – Solution Seeking – New Ideas – Decision Taking – Independence
0 digits – these people need to develop self trust and determination. They need to be willing to take initiative and not allow those around them to walk over their goals and desires. They need to learn to affirm their personality. They tend to be centered on themselves and are perceived either as extremely egoistic or extremely generous (extremist manifestation).
1 (the absolute egoist) – flagrant and constant tendency to manifest egoistically, self – centered and sometimes deceiving. They live for themselves. Everything they do is for themselves, to feed their ego even when doing something for others. They need to be right every time. They are stubborn, can get fixed upon an idea. They avoid working in partnerships, they are kind, pleasant, not psychically aggressive. Also avoid taking decisions by themselves. They fear the future and failure. They avoid psychic confrontations because they cannot face them.
They prefer not working under subordination or any other psychic pressure. They love being admired, getting compliments and being respected. They are easy to corrupt because they need attention from wherever they can get it. They’re the type that cannot say ‘NO’ and will break easily if insisted upon them. They need to work hard to regain or develop self-esteem, self-trust and psychic force, to develop their autonomy and not just lean upon others.
11 (the egoist) – they think about themselves they are very clever and talented, and most of the times they actually are! They know to keep things under control and express well in any occasion. They think about others after they put themselves first, like “We are all brothers but I am the biggest brother, I have to be first and I’m more right that you.” They are always looking for something to gain. They are after they own interest whatever they tell you. They know and realize their egoistic attitude and don’t even get offended if you tell that in their face.
They need mentors to model and copy, someone stronger than them to push them forward or to sustain them in order to climb the social ladder. They can cooperate and work in partnership because they can subtract psychic energy from there. If they accept to work under someone, they are doing this with firm intentions to rise at one given moment and to reserve their big share from it. Psychically, they can be too serene or too agitated, like having double personality. Doubting and feeling undecided, they like things to be crystal clear and to be told exactly what they have to do. Tendency towards depression.
111 (versatile psyche) – friendly and good communicators. Apparently patient and amiable with others, you cannot really know these type of persons. Great psychic versatility, they can transform in any personality. They know their interest, but the interest can change. They may start something, but get side tracked by other things. They live in the future. You cannot lie to them but they can lie to you extremely efficient.
They forgive easily but have to be right every time. They tend to avoid stress through any means and maintain a youthful appearance of body and soul. Living by their rules, they don’t accept others telling them what to do. They do not admit being wrong, even if they know they are wrong. They don’t fear confrontations, these persons even love to annoy you.
They cannot be forced to do something, but can be convinced. They are liberal, libertines and avant-gardists. Showing harmonious personalities, medium will power, psychic force and self-esteem, initiative and relying on their own forces.
They are easy to talk to, calm, good advisers, well balanced individuals. They are usually pacifist people and capable to restrain and support many adversities, but when they finally explode they can amass the force of a tornado or a bomb capable to destroy anything in their path.
1111 (classic leader) – strong personality, full self-esteem. They put others in center, but want to be the best in what they do. Their influence is expressed upon the exterior world, the people around them. Strong will power and stubbornness, stable psyche. They think everybody thinks like them. Dictatorial – if you are right in front of them, they don’t want you around them anymore.
They step in with aggressiveness and authority. Strong ambition, perseverance, powerful will power, innate leader characteristics. They love to be recognized, admired and rewarded. They are fighters, lovers of law and total order.
They cannot stand being contradicted, especially in public. Cannot stand critics although they are the first to criticize others. They wish to control everything and things to develop accordingly to their plans.Their circle of friends is composed of only like minded people. If they desire a dominant position, no obstacles can stop them. If you oppose them in undiplomatic ways, they can become violent and revengeful. If they find someone’s week spot, they will get satisfaction striking just where it hurts the most.
11111 (dictatorial) – very strong will power. They put themselves in center and exude great psychic force. They are imposing but loyalty is their greater value. They have great & powerful influence upon the outer world. They have precise goals in life and may seem insensible. Real dictators: those not with them are against them! They are the type wishing to impose order through force, tendency towards roughness and totalitarianism.
Type star personality, tend to shine in everything they do. Their goal is to obtain unconditional power. Great psychic force, strong ego, they love to be the center of attention. Cannot stand to be contradicted, tendency towards tyranny with those weaker than them. Unstable quality, can play the iron hand in the outside world and be gentle like a lamb at home. They can heal themselves with the power of their minds, but need to be careful not to destroy themselves also projecting negative thoughts.
They have very few friends but friendship has profound meanings for them. They are capable to do anything to help a friend, but intolerant with those they do not like.
Cell 2 – Emotions, Energy
Magnetism – Energy – Emotions – Chemistry, Liquids – Animal Attraction – Sensoriality – Extrasensory Perception
The less digits in a cell, the tougher will be for them to express their emotions in front of their partner or in public. The more digits, the greater the need to express emotions and powerful feelings at a larger scale.
0 digits (pathological lazy) – extremist manifestation of energy and emotions. They can be full of energy and tension for a few days in a row and then apathetic and without energy needing time to rest. Tend to talk much about themselves in any conversation. They rather sit than do something. They look to be surrounded by people, always seeking to provoke someone, to start a fight, a crisis from which to subtract their emotional energy to feel good (energy vampires). They need to learn to express their emotions before others or in public.
2 (emotional vampire) – manifest laziness until they charge with energy, then they can get to excessive mobility and agitation. Emotional vampires, they feel good where they get appreciation and praise and get completely uninterested about places where they are ignored or blamed. They tend to accumulate energy but cannot offer it back with the same force. Not physically active, they can be perceived as lazy or homey. They must avoid staying too much in places with negative energy, because they’ll absorb it.
22 (liked at first glance) – good quantity of energy for social contacts and work productivity. They are capable to share energy (receive and give back). Sociable, diplomats, they get along well with everybody. They are open, sensible and communicative. With proper training they can become good healers, energy therapists, psychologist, massage therapist. They don’t like being lonely even though sometimes they feel the need to enjoy a little time for themselves.
222 (force of the spoken word) – good extrasensory capacities, hypnoses capacities. They can influence large groups of people through their way of being, talking and radiating. Their 3 digits system (odd number) is self-orientated so they can hurt themselves if staying in a negative state for more than 21 days. They can also self-heal with positive emotions. They tend to talk much, speaking being their favorite mode to express themselves. They have high sexual necessities, which comes with corresponded emotional states.
2222 (seductive energy therapist) – the energy of their word is very powerful and gets deeply transmitted into people’s consciousness. These people may be unpredictable and should be taken as they are. They posses a great seductive force and very strong magnetism.
They have to be careful about what they think and speak. It’s recommended to verbalize and address only kind words and good wishes towards others – because their energy force is sticking to those addressed to. If it’s negative energy sent, it will be back like a boomerang and karma will make them pay 10 fold their wrong doings (conscious or unconscious).
! Their force is so powerful that is scientifically proven to kill a plant with just sending an evil eye towards it. So, please be careful and do not play with such force, because you’ll be paying back not knowing what you did.
22222 (emotional magician) – They possess a huge destructive or constructive force upon others or themselves, because the generated energies will come back to their creator. Their great force is capable to influence psycho-emotional & energetic states of those around them. But they can also self-heal and renew their energies very quickly. The power of the spoken word is present here also, what they speak will be accomplished and come to pass. It’s best to use this power wisely with great discernment.
This extra charge of energy is good to be consumed in psychical labor or sports activities (if having at least one 4 in the matrix). Otherwise, they’ll be focusing upon (diverse) sexual activities. They often have different romantic partners in the same time, due to their high sexual necessities and attraction for the opposite sex.
*In association with partners with 666 in their matrix can get into temptations and great dependencies!
Cell 3 – Information, Cognition, Interest
Information – Cognition – Memory – Analysis – Synthesis – Exploration
0 digits – extremist manifestation of information. Complete lack of imagination or over imaginative. Inclined towards human sciences more than exact sciences. They need to learn to get things to completion. They don’t learn from other people’s mistakes nor their own. They may struggle understanding and learning mathematics or other exact sciences. They learn more through feelings and emotions rather than logic.
3 – They take from exact sciences only what they consider useful and interesting, ignoring the rest. Interesting, enthusiast, spiritual, creative people. Great imagination. They are helpful with their friends in need. These people find it hard to teach others if the information is not in their aria of interest. They learn only from their own mistakes, not others’. They learn and experiment only when in the mood, otherwise they don’t.
33 (trainer, natural born teacher) – Overloaded imagination that sometimes must be restrained. They lack practicality but get overboard with imagination. Sometimes these people are daydreaming with their eyes wide open. Their unconventional vision upon the world may often be misunderstood. They cannot keep secrets because those only become manifested when shared with others. They learn for their own mistakes and others’. They get hold and detain information from many domains, but can be on superficial level.
These people learn what they need for themselves, but also what could be helpful to others. As they synthesize and share the knowledge they strengthen the information for themselves also. They learn even better when teaching others. This makes them become good teachers, professors, trainers in different arias of expertise. If they stumble upon a sphere of activity / passion they resonate with, they do everything they can to find out every possible information about that domain.
333 – they easily learn from others’ mistakes. They put too much emphasis upon mental and imaginary plane and can become overly light headed dreamers, ignoring and neglecting being in the present. They could use a balance between mental activities and psychical exercises. They quickly catch logical explanations and they’re always eager to find out information about anything and everything.
These people can synthesize and relate information pertaining to multiple domains and thus, can often change directions in life to learn something new. Clever people, extremely well informed individuals, they consider information their biggest treasure because it can help them in difficult situations. Great analogical, interpretative and synthesizing capacities used to extract whatever they need, when needed. Good chances to detain a special talent or extravagant skills. They can needless scatter their energy around and become dependent of praise and compliments coming from other people.
3333 (little Einstein) – incredible levels of interest towards science and technology. Born to become inventors, researchers, scientists and / or build something linked to technology. Very clever, efficient, sharp minded people. They can be very attractive beings, but somehow in the same time can generate inexplicable antipathy. They know to lie so well that even them get to believe their fantasies.
These people feel the need to perfect themselves in domains having real, technical application in life. They have persistent goals and wishes and try to achieve them with any costs. Not being able to activate into a scientific direction or domain will frustrate them and make them nagging people with what they know and criticize everything others want / plan to do.
33333 (great scientist) – they retain everything they observe, colossal memory. They catch on everything quickly & easily, becoming autodidacts and mastering that field. These people can work towards a direction, research and get perfect knowledge about a domain, magically master that domain and then become uninterested turning towards new directions.
They love debating theories, they can spend days after days exploring ideas. If their goals about self development & growth is inhibited or sabotaged, they can become diabolic.
Cell 4 – Physical Body, Health
Force – Physical Resistance – Immunity – Practicality – Organization
0 digits – extremist manifestation of practicality. Special relation with their father (either missing from their life or too present and overwhelming). They need a more practical approach of day to day problems. They may find discipline too boring, thus neglecting small details often gets them into trouble. They may leave things undone. Special attention to physical health – they may get 1 or 2 chronic illnesses after the age of 40.
4 – good practical skills. Organized people capable to complete a given task. Loyal, tenacious, trust wordy individuals. Great skills related with crafting things with their hands. Good organizers of themselves and their activities. They love discipline and keep their environment tidy and clean. Thus, their health is pretty good and they are somewhat resistant to illnesses.
44 – they need order and cleanliness in their spaces, imposing these unto themselves and others. Relationship with their father is important, many of their principles and beliefs coming from paternal side. Exceptional crafting skills and perfect for any jobs involving hand dexterity. These people can organize themselves and others. They’re are very selective about their friends.
Intense body necessities: hunger, thirst, sex, drugs and other bodily dependencies that can subjugate human spirit. These people can become slaves of their bodies. Strong psychical health and good structure of the body. Great capacity for physical labor, resistant to hard exhausting effort especially if their psychic (1) and emotional (2) systems support them.
Work is their constant preoccupation, they persevere becoming workaholics. They adapt easily to routine work.
444 – very rarely. They have very good health. The functionality of the body can influence the function of the person. They’re obsessed about satisfying their pleasures and desires. They can become enslaved by bodily pleasures. They may become brutal, the animal instinct being predominant in those moments. More workaholic than those above, these people need to be reminded to rest. They posses strong, resistant, intelligent bodies capable of self healing even in cases of severe illnesses.
We will discuss the remaining 5 to 9 cells in part 2 of this article.
*Necessary reading: how to calculate psychomatrix.
P.S. This is life changing information. Make it viral!
Share the knowledge!Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.