12 best Neville Goddard manifestation techniques to use

Neville Goddard Manifestation Techniques

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12 best Neville Goddard manifestation techniques to use

“Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled.

As the end is accepted, you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end.” ~ Neville Goddard, ‘Feeling Is The Secret’

Who Was Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was one of the best New Thought writers, speakers and mystic teachers of the 20th Century.

But opposed to others who were teaching the more popular Law of Attraction, he focused upon the Law of Assumption which operates from a different perspective of manifesting one’s reality.

He based his teachings upon reinterpreting the Bible and taught self-help and self-growth methods based on the assumption that human imagination is all powerful & all creating therefore is God.

What Is The Difference Between The Law Of Attraction And The Law Of Assumption?

The Law of Attraction means you can attract your desires using positive vibrations, affirmations and aligning your thoughts, feelings and (inspired) actions focusing upon your desired goals.

The Law of Assumption however, operates from a different level. It is based on assuming the fact that your desire is already done and fulfilled.

Embodying & maintaining the feeling state of already fulfilled desire will collapse the time space quantum and the Universe will reflect back to you what you emanate out.

Thus, materializing / reflecting back your pushed out energy.

Neville teaches us that Creation is finished and everything that existed, exist and will exist was / is already created & exists in the now moment (the only moment is the present moment) as a probability (parallel timeline).

Everything is in you. If you can imagine something, it already exists as a potential or in a parallel reality. If you have a desire, it is because you were meant to have it and you have the means to obtain / manifest it.

Assuming (radiating) a certain state / frequency is what the Universe (which is a hall of mirrors) reflects back to us as (perceived) reality. That’s what manifesting is. We are always manifesting, but most of the time we do it unconsciously.

Our day to day life is our subconscious’s creation and it’s given by our identity (who we identify with / believe we are through our beliefs, perceptions & awareness).

If you like to see what’s in your mind (awareness), take a look at your life. Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner world (beliefs, identity, conversations, self esteem, self concept).

Neville Goddard teaches us to embody the essence of the mighty I AM – GOD consciousness. To be the thing desired. To FEEL how you want to be and BE what you want to feel.

I recommend all of his books and teachings as they are eye opening and contain life changing empowering information and the best manifestation methods around.

They are a good start towards personal development and spiritual growth, gaining awareness and start living a designed opposed to a default life.

Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Techniques You Should Use

In his books, Neville offers some powerful manifesting techniques that can be used to speed up the process of manifesting our desires.

Here are some of them to use it in your manifestation endeavors:

1. “Dare To Assume” – dare to assume that you are who you want to be; that your desire is possible and already fulfilled.

2. “Feel It While You Go To Sleep” – fell the feeling of the wish fulfilled in a state akin to sleep.

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3. “Make There – Here and Now” – don’t feel that your end result is far away – ‘grab it’ and feel / bring it it here and now.

4. “I Remember When…” – use these words as if you remember when you didn’t have your desire.

5. “Go / Travel To The End Result” – in your mind, travel through time and live your end result as it is happening now.

6. “Order, Then Wait.” – give the order to the Universe and wait knowingly that your order will be fulfilled exactly as you order food.

7. “Entertain Only Aligned Inner Conversations.” – get your mental diet in order, your thoughts and inner dialog must reflect what you want to obtain.

8. “Catch The Mood” – grab that feeling of the wish fulfilled and fell how it will be to have that in your life.

9. “Feel The Conviction” – be so convinced that your wish is already done until you feel that in your body (physical sensation).

10. “Congratulations!” – vividly imagine someone to congratulate you upon the manifestation of your desire.

11. “Construct A Scene / Event” – construct a scene or event in your mind containing / involving the manifestation of your desire.

12. “Eavesdropping” – construct a scene where you’re secretly overhearing a conversation involving your already manifested end result.

For more insightful spiritual knowledge and manifesting methods, I recommend all Neville Goddard‘s books and lectures. Applying this knowledge will greatly change your life and make you a Creator.

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