how to manifest correctly with the law of assumption

How Manifesting Works: How To Manifest Money, Love & Your Dream Life

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Does manifestation really work?

That’s a question people ask frequently when they come across notions like Law of Attraction, abundance mindset, self help/growth methods or any other spiritual info materials that may entice them to further approach these teachings.

how to manifest correctly with the law of assumption

Now, the question isn’t if manifestation is working: we are always manifesting. The proper question is how to manifest correctly (consciously) to live the life of our dreams, a life full of joy and enthusiasm?…

Let’s start from the beginning.

What Is Manifestation And How Does It Work?

I first came across these spiritual teachings way back around 2007 when I got my hands on the “Why You’re DUMB, SICK & BROKE…” book by Randy Gage (Amazon affiliate link). Thank you, Randy!

I remember reading it was like a shock, but that shift of paradigm resonated with me at deeper levels and I knew there’s more to know.

Then The Secret appeared and I started reading and digging more and more in these metaphysical teachings about life, the Universe, self development and self growth methods as the next logical steps.

Once you embark on this spiritual path, after studying and practicing / experiencing, you’ll eventually come to this conclusion:

The words we speak and the thoughts we think shape our reality . What is now in our life reflects what is inside us.

Because this is the great secret of life: We are what we think we are.

If everything seems difficult, you have money problems or you hate your job; if you’re experiencing health issues or family problems, maybe you’ve come to believe that life is hard and you have to fight to survive.

But that’s only ‘YOUR reality’, it doesn’t mean that’s the TRUTH. Everything that happens to you and has happened to you was caused by your way of thinking and feeling.

Mostly, these are due to the programming to which almost all of us were subjected as small children by inoculating our subconscious with phrases such as:

  • you have to work hard to become someone
  • money doesn’t grow on trees
  • rich people will not go to heaven
  • if it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t work
  • you have to have money to make money
  • day dreaming won’t get you anywhere
  • and many more…

“When you are prepared for something, it will appear in your life” a proverb say. If you came across this article, you are ready to shift your paradigm and change your life.

Let’s do this!

DISCLAIMER: In the light of the latest teachings I have received, I want to ask you not to take anything I tell you for granted. Take them as simple information, but try to experience for yourself if they will become your truth or not. “You don’t have to” anything. Whatever you choose to do will become your path, with all the good and the bad.

After all, everyone has their own path to travel and their own lessons to learn. The truth is always relative and subjective. It only becomes ‘real’ for you when you experience it.

Understanding The Manifestation Process

All spiritual teachings were adding great value to my life, but the ultimate awareness about consciousness and how reality (manifestation) works I found it in (all) Neville Goddard‘s books and lectures which I highly recommend. (Amazon affiliate link)

Also follow Bashar‘s teachings, they are on the same frequency.

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Enter GOD consciousness. The ultimate knowledge is that you are the Universe and the Universe is in you. There’s nothing outside of you and everything you perceive around as reality is the reflection of your consciousness.

“Consciousness is the one and only REALITY. The cause and manifestation is the EFFECT” ~ Neville

We (Our Higher Selves) are here to experience our passions and joy. That’s our true life calling and when we best serve ‘others’ and ourselves. If we are not following the signals, our Higher Self will stop nudging us to walk that path and we will end up living a life full of frustration, effort and without the sense of fulfilling.

Another recent discovery for me in the self help and self development area is Pete Sapper which is taking these teachings to a whole 5D Creator level. I recommend watching his videos and follow him on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. It’s life changing info.

“Everything in your reality is always:

1. An aspect of your Self.
2. A creation of yours.
3. There to serve you in some way. “ ~ Pete Sapper

The Manifesting Process Is Not About What You DO. It’s About Who You ARE.

You don’t manifest based on what you want. You manifest based on who you are.

Your perceived REALITY is your inner world (consciousness, awareness of who you are) projected (radiated) outside and reflected by the Universe as physical world and circumstances.

Manifesting is about who you feel you are and the role you feel you have and play related to everything that exists in this world.

The Law Of Assumption And Your Perception

Your 3D world (reality) will always mirror your assumptions. Whatever you assume will harden into fact when persisted in, and the Universe will mirror that back to you.

A change of consciousnesses is essential to bring about a change of expression (reality) as Neville said.

Another wise saying by Dr. Wayne Dyer stated that “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” That’s what perception does.

Perception is Creation. Assumption is Creation.

And consciousness comprises them both.

“The world is a magnificent MIRROR magnifying everything that you are aware of being.” ~ Neville

What State Do You ‘Stay’ In?

Everything exists as states of consciousnesses. You have to go and occupy that state of consciousness that implies you already have your desire or you already are that person, and sit in it like sitting in a chair.

“The world (my mirrored self) bear witness of the state of consciousness in which I live.” ~ Neville

The state that you’ll manifest is the state in which you ‘stay’. What’s your predominant state of being/feeling (frequency)?

“Desires are states of consciousness seeking embodiment.” ~ Neville

Decide that you’re a winner, right now.

Manifesting acts like your shadow: you don’t have to force anything – your manifestation will follow you as your shadow does.

Your Self Concept

‘Who Am I’ decides what I manifest.

“That what I feel and believe to be true of myself is now projected in space as my world.” ~ Neville

Everything in your life has to do with your self concept.

Your manifestation will always reflect who you are → is the projection of your being. Your self concept externalized who creates your perceived reality.

All your actions derive from your self concept and your assumptions.

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All your Creation is made from your Identity which derives from your Self-Concept. The self concept has to do with:

  • how you see yourself
  • your feelings about personal value (or lack of it)
  • who do you want to be (wishes, goals, ideals)

How much value do you place on yourself?… You often don’t manifest your desires because you put them on a pedestal way above you. To manifest a desire you must feel equal or superior to that desire.

It has to feel natural for you to achieve it. Until you feel that way, you won’t manifest it. If you don’t feel that you have it, it will never come.

Tip*: If you were given a desire, it means that it’s yours and you are worthy of it.

Your outer world reflects you & your inner world. Everything you say “yes, that’s how it is” to → will manifest. Things will always arrange themselves according to your perception.

In your world (reality) the only thing that manifests is your consciousness.

Your Mental Diet

Become the observer of the thinker. The mental diet and inner conversations determine what a man has in his life and what’s gonna happen. Thoughts are seeds. Become conscious of your thoughts. What will your thoughts be if your wish were already fulfilled?

Instantly change your negative thoughts. You must only entertain the seeds (thoughts) for the fruits you wanna reap. The kind of thoughts you were entertaining if you were that person that already has that what you desire. That’s an important principle in manifestation.

Everybody else is reflecting back to you your inner dialog. And will treat you the way you assume they will do. So, the mental diet you must follow is about entertaining thoughts about or from the already fulfilled desire state + a healthy Self-Concept.

Manifesting Blocks And How To Overcome Them

  • 1. You’re not manifesting your desire because you’re still occupying your old identity that doesn’t have it. As long as you identify yourself with the lack of your desire, you will continue to manifest lack.
  • 2. Work on changing your self concept and your inner thinking. It all has to do with what you think about you and what you think (assume) related to your desire.

Those 2 factors have to match each other so manifestation can occur. Let’s get 2 examples in two important areas of life: finance and relationships.

How To Manifest Money

To manifest money and abundance in your life: what are your assumptions about your abilities to manifest money and what’s your mindset/paradigm about money? Are those 2 a match?

Assumptions you’ll want to have about you:

  • you deserve money
  • you make money easily
  • money loves your energy
  • you are a money magnet
  • money always flow to you abundantly
  • abundance is your divine right on this realm
  • you bring value to the world that is greatly compensated

Assumptions you’ll want to have about money:

  • money are just energy
  • there’s never a shortage of money
  • money are a tool to be used and enjoyed
  • money are made to circulate and bring joy to everybody
  • money making opportunities are everywhere
  • giving and receiving are the same thing
  • when you give, you give to yourself (’cause everybody is you pushed out)

How To Manifest Love

To manifest a specific person or the ideal relationship you must embody the frequency of love first.

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Let’s look at some healthy assumptions and a healthy self concept in the love area that you’ll want reflected back by the Universe and become your reality:

Assumptions (self concept) you’ll want to have about you:

  • you are lovable and loved
  • you have no competition
  • your love is special and true
  • love is your nature
  • you’re appreciated and always a priority
  • you’re always chosen
  • you’re taken care of and respected
  • you are magnetic
  • you are special and unique
  • you enjoy a fulfilling relationship

Assumptions you’ll want to have about your specific person:

  • he/she is really and deeply in love with you
  • he/she’s always choosing you
  • he/she sees you as the ONE
  • he/she is treating you like a Quinn/King
  • he/she always enjoys your company and time together
  • you two have a special connection
  • you complement each other perfectly
  • your relationship is perfect and divine

You see how these assumption match? When you level up those two fields (perceptions) and apply that in basically any area of your life – you’ll live your life by design not by default. You’ll manifest anything.

You can design a dream life of your own. Change your mindset, change your self concept and manifest a new reality for yourself.

Enjoy and share!

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