psychomatrix (pythagorean square) cell interpretation part 2

Psychomatrix (Pythagorean Square) Cells Interpretation Part 2

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Let’s continue with part 2 of Psychomatrix (Pythagorean square) interpretation. You can read part 1 here. We will learn how to analyze and interpret the remaining 5 to 9 cells of this square.

psychomatrix cell interpretation part 2


Every single cell is responsible with a certain aspect and functionality of our being. They act like computers, communicating with each other (input) following directions from left → right and from up ↓ down. (scroll on mobile to view all the cells in this table)


Psychomatrix / Pythagorean Square

Physical Body/Health


 Pythagorean Square Cells Analysis & Interpretation

Let’s recap:

Every person has their unique number of digits in a cell according to their psycho matrix. The number of digits in a cell means the way in which certain qualities are manifesting in you.

So, let’s see all possible variations.

No digits (empty)* – The quality is absent or manifesting unstable, to extremes

One digit – The quality is week, underdeveloped

Two digits – The quality is developed, but it’s not dominating others

Three digits – Ideal quality development, ‘trinity’ is perfection

Four digits – Quality is strongly developed, but that’s not the limit

Five digits – Overdeveloped quality, it can suppress other characteristics and interfere in that person’s quality of life

Six digits & more – Overcharged development of quality; it can drop suddenly or manifest to maximum in certain conditions


Quantity Of Digits In Pythagorean Square Cells Meaning

Let’s continue digging into the quality of cells number 5 to 9 of the Pythagorean square per quantity of digits pertaining to it.

Cell 5 – Intuition & Logic

Intuition – Freedom – Self-Image – Self-Esteem – Logic – Planning

The cell of 5 represents the person’s intuitive level; capacity to foresee causes, effects and consequences of past, present and future events; to consciously perceive their deep significance. It’s related to logic and self-esteem.

0 digits – extreme manifestation of logic: either no logic at all (dreamers) or extremely logical individuals. These people avoid making plans. They lack determination & capacity to mobilize themselves (unless 3 digits or more on psychic). They need to be nagged to start something, most of the times not knowing what directions to take. Their self-esteem is constantly fluctuating: none or extremely high.

They’re not conceited either, not having much of a self-image to care for. They’re resistant to change, too many fixed ideas sometimes. These people may be jealous of other’s freedom of movement.The emotional side in more important to them than a logical explanation.

5 – they try to change others and the environment to suit their goals. Tendency towards sedentary life, lack of adaptability, fear to confront novelties. Trying to modify life to suit them rather to change their point of view about life. Eccentric people always landing on their feet.

55 – strong logical abilities allowing the study of precise disciplines and techniques. Their intuition is strong and heard. This ability can be used for themselves but also for people close to them. They are capable of long term planning because they sense the direction of things. These people feel when they are lied to, even if they’ll not rub this in your face most of the times. If they cut you out of their mind or heart, you don’t exist for them anymore. They always find out the truth by asking questions and analyzing contradictions in answers.

555 (gift of prediction) – they walk through life guided by intuition. Strong intuitive capacity but most of the times they do not trust their gift enough to talk about their predictions / foresight. Friends are looking for their company because they fell these individuals have answers to any of their problems. Which is true. Strong self-esteem and self-image, no matter what others may say about them. Great risk of injuries / accidents due to their lack of grounding and living in a imaginary world.

5555 – inclined towards mathematics and technical world. Very rarely seen, these people live parallel lives. They seem to be in 2 different dimensions and spaces in the same time. It’s good to be careful when doing important things requiring conscious attention (like driving a car). These individuals can be called “Prophets”. They are almost never wrong in their predictions. Alongside phenomenal intuition, these people are endowed with a refined sensuality which unfortunately is not shown very often.


Cell 6 – Pragmatism & Sexuality

Work Capacity – Animal (Hunting) Instinct – Grounding – Pragmatism – Family – Sexual Appetite – Aggressiveness – Accumulation

The cell of 6 represents telluric energy and the person’s capacity to transform this energy→ to be practical, grounded, to work & his enthusiasm towards working.

Here, in this cell, we can see the instinctive capacity & need of a person to work and hunt on the physical realm (money, material things, the opposite sex, to develop businesses and accumulate wealth) and capacity and willingness to accomplish duties requested by others.

0 digits – extremist manifestation of responsibility, hunting instinct or being tidy. They’re untidy with their things and rooms, but somehow comfortable with that. Money is their permanent preoccupation. It seems that their happiness is related to money. If they want more money, they should start making efforts in that direction. They are romantic and homey people. They need a mentor to motivate them in order to achieve all their dreams and wishes.

More:  Life Path Number 8 Meaning In Numerology & Best Careers

These people are not totally adapted to family life – which will never be the center of the Universe for them. They should be more engaged in physical labor, but they don’t like to work. Their lesson is not to pretend so much from others considering that they’re deserving of everything and take on more family responsibilities.

6 – capable to assure personal living, hunting capacity according to personal necessities. When they’re asked to be responsible for others, they forget about their personal responsibilities. Physical work is necessary for them but they should not neglect studying and personal development. One ‘6’ people will perform manual labor only according to their inner state and desire. Forcing them to work when they don’t feel like it will get you lots of problems as a result.

66 – practical, love to work, capable to attain a certain level of material welfare. Often these people perform into outer world completely different from their inner expression. They know to ‘do what is takes’ to reach their targets. They are extremely practical not only in their profession, but in many domains of activity in the same time. ’66’ individuals have the capacity to reach success with their businesses, to work with money, to make things work in their desired direction. To accomplish their material desires they have the capacity to adapt as they go to the economic conditions of the region they live in.

666 – the diligence of these people is proverbial. Their success and realizations can influence big masses of people. “666” can materialize whatever they dream, think, see, hear, know. They are attractive, seductive, good psychologists, endowed with lots of sex-appeal – unbalanced they can become diabolic. Very high sexual necessities, real sex-machines. If they sense danger, they are the first to strike. These people can behave in a destructive manner. Don’t ever threaten a ‘666’ because he’ll eventually find you and his revenge will be extraordinary cruel.

Real workaholics, they cannot sit without doing something. They can become obsessed by accumulation of material things.

6666 – these people are extremely possessive with everything they ‘own’ or consider theirs (family, territories, objects, businesses, people). Their animal side (male / female) is strongly present. Highest sexual capacity & necessity, as well for intense effort and / or psychical labor. Great sense of responsibility, like a mama bear with her cubs – they can become too nosy and irritating.

They are very rarely encountered and could be extraordinary teachers, professors or healers. These kind of people are always working although they should not be working – but teach others how to work and efficiently & practically accomplish things.


Cell 7 – Spirituality

Spirituality – Luck – Logic – Reason – Intuition – Talents

The cell of 7 represents the person’s talents, the ability to influence the course of events, luck, his connection with the Divine.

0 digits – visionaries at extremes. There’s always a lack of trust in their own forces, fear of loneliness, they need solid proofs to believe in metaphysical things. These people need to involve more soul and spirit in everything they do in this life. They need to explore the spiritual side of life, otherwise they’ll encounter much suffering living a complicated life. Some of them seem very spiritual, others like such things do not exist.

Some get to embark on the spiritual path due to extremely hard times in their life when they felt compelled to turn their faces towards spirit, such experiences changing them at deeper levels. The other way around is valid too: fanatic, religious people can forget about spirit and left that path due to important events changing them.

7 – have talents in latent states. They have to find, surface and develop them. Curious, analytical minded, good observants, eager to study. The world of ideas is so familiar to them. They get wisdom for themselves. Their talents and abilities surface when these individuals get in places where they feel comfortable or find mentors to support them. There’s a great probability for people having just one 7 to feel attracted to metaphysics, supernatural or occultism in the second part of their life.

77 – life is not always easy for these people and they don’t do anything to change that because of importance they place upon individualism. They don’t like to receive help. Capable to receive and share wisdom, great teachers expressing like wise individuals not just professors. They analyze everything very thoroughly, perfectionists wanting to get to the essence of things.

The ’77’ people are not communicative, preferring to enjoy more their interior world. They are lonely, individualists and introspective. They are the religious type, can even become fanatics. They always choose spending time with themselves than enjoying social life. Their luck manifests only in certain periods of time, life challenging them periodically like their faith is being tasted. But they will always get on their feet and manage to resolve tough situations due to their adaptability and charisma. They have musical aptitudes and good artistic taste.

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777 – angelic faces. They know that they know due to their powerful uplink to their super conscious. They do not come here for much time but live intensively influencing many destinies. They come with a special assignment as guardian angels. They seem out of this world. They usually have distinctive signs as dimples in their cheeks or their chin. They may face many tests and great challenges in their lives.

They may be as angels or demons. Both of them having tight connections with spiritual realms, all having their personal mode to channel and utilize these energies. They posses information about the Universe, nature, they know & sense everything about others through sensations, feelings and intuition.

7777 – highly spiritual people who find it hard to bear living in this material world. They manifest a certain inadequacy that makes them seem neurotic and rebel. They must be cautious about their behavior in day to day life because they seem completely detached from this world. Like searching a way out of this world they get themselves involved in situations hard to conceive by others or inclining towards extreme sports.

They too have a mission here, most of the times having to do with spiritual reorientation of people. If they succeed in their mission, they will find peace and people will learn something form them. Profound vision upon life philosophy, capable to see in the future and deep analyzing capacity.


Cell 8 – Duty & Responsibility

Sense Of Duty – Responsibility – Commitment – Love Force – Social Life – Capacity To Feel Useful & Necessary To Others

The cell of 8 represents the person’s sense of responsibility, capacity to sacrifice himself for others, the love towards others, social success, reference to a social group or country.

0 digits – extreme manifestations of power over others and sacrifice. They may try to accumulate material things in a frenzy mode. Now they not feel responsible for anyone, now they become overwhelming. They may seem insensitive when it comes about others, they can’t be really counted on. Lack of punctuality is present. They’re not meant to encounter and find out what real love is in this life time. They are not enjoying stable families and constant family life. They lack the capacity to realize their conception about family and living as husband and wife on a daily basis. Family life is not their domain, this aspect being transferred upon their partner. They often get to a divorce.

Until they learn to take care of themselves, there will be others to do the job. They need to organize their lives better. They seem lazy and neglect the financial aspect. Their sense of duty is low. They usually do whatever they want, when they want. They fear the outside world and it could be useful for them to develop certain personal skills trough public speaking or social services.

8 – they have real talent in appreciating qualities of those around them. They are good organizers, tidy and pay attention to every detail. These people don’t have a problem starting a task, finishing it may be more hard to do. Punctuality and responsibility are positive characteristics. They don’t like being constrained, one 8 people don’t cope well with stressful situations. They like to work according to their pace.

They may leave a relationship if too many rules are imposed on them or the partner is too suspicious and jealous.

88 – they marry partners who need them. if they feel that, they’re capable of great sacrifices just out of love and sense of duty. Relationships have priority in their lives. Living a harmonious couple life fulfills them. They’re responsible individuals and they will fight with all their forces for their family and to avoid a divorce or separation. They suffer greatly if / when not loved or understood.

Innate talents related to money and business. Persistent, visionary, lovers of power and social ascension. Sometimes being rigid and intolerant may block their affectivity. They don’t promise much, but when they do they keep their word.

When getting their share of praise, support and understanding they can move mountains. They have leading abilities and know how to obtain success, especially because they don’t get greedy.

888 – great patriotic, humanitarian or sacrificing capacity. Intense desire to serve and serve the world. Profound vision upon loving people and the world in general. Strong sense of responsibility, they are meant to serve the interests of the masses. They feel responsible for humanity, they feel the need to sacrifice themselves for society, for a righteous idea, to make the world a better and fairer place.

Even if they don’t get into high society spheres they get to do something important at their level whatever that may be. They may become fanatic about applying justice and righteousness. Innate talent towards business, making money and getting social power. The key to success is not pushing it and get greedy. Otherwise they may suffer financial losses. Great oratorical skills, they can move great masses of people.

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8888 – very rarely encountered. Multiple, diverse qualities and heightened sense of responsibility. They become uncomfortable pretending a lot form others as well from themselves. They feel to have a mission about dedicating themselves to masses, especially those weaker than them. They are mysterious individuals, may be endowed with special powers and capacities that will be used for positively or negatively depending on their self controlling ability.

They may become inconvenient political leaders to those serving their own interests, because the ‘8888’ people are defenders of the people trying to bring justice and fairness into the world.


Cell 9 – Memory & Intelligence

Mental Capacity – Memory – Clairvoyance – Compassion – Adaptability

The cell of 9 represents the person’s mental force, intelligence, the ability to learn and transform information towards his own benefit.

0 digits – extreme manifestations of intelligence. Dependent of modern technology. These people don’t adapt well to changes or moving in other places or they adapt perfectly. Pretty individualists, their lesson is to open up to other cultures re-balancing spiritual resources. Maximum intellectual and compassion capabilities or none at all. Meticulous people, they like practical things. Pacifists and curious individuals inclined towards knowledge about nature and Universe.

9 – normal adapting capacity to new environments. They don’t enjoy leaving their birth places but if they do, they will long for those places all their lives. They feel the need to revisit natal places at least once a year and they should, to maintain their health in good status.

One ‘9’ people don’t manifest great responsibility towards others, but when needed they will not hesitate to offer their support. They can learn by themselves and from others, but only memorize information they consider necessary at a given moment.

99 – superior intellectual capacities. They tend to teach others as long as others want to learn. With correct stimulation they can achieve remarkable success on mental planes. Great dramatic and creative potential, but it’s important to maintain their emotions under control. Strong and powerful memory capable to quickly reproduce all necessary information without losses. That capacity may get them great results when studying or choosing jobs in any scientific domains.

Their mind is always busy entertaining creative ideas which they’ll put into practice depending of their emotional state. Commodity may interfere into deploying their full potential. They need strong motivation and supporting, approving people to improve their self-esteem and mobilize them in order to do more.

999 – good characters, tolerant, respectfully about nature, beings and their rights. They manifest powerful utilization of intellect and drama. They feel a burning desire to put things right or to discover better living conditions. These people are those saving animals from the streets, saving wales, environments and children without shelter. They’re not good in reading people so they must be careful not to be tricked, deceived or exploited by others.

Those people don’t have patience for routine activities. They are always searching for something new – so they may often change their jobs, activities, work places, address, places they use to spend time in. They’re visionary people willing to change the world, but their methods can sometimes be harsh and forced. ‘999’ people have so much trust in their own forces, that hardly someone can reroute their chosen path.

Their arrogance may repel people especially if ‘999’s leave the impression that you don’t rise to their intellectual level. They judge people by the level of intelligence forgetting that the value of a man is not comprised only of their mental capacities.

9999 – extraordinary manifested dramatic sense. These natives have brilliant minds, they think differently from the rest of the world. They posses a terrific mental strength and they know that, sometimes using it like a weapon. They have a large perspective upon things and consider that any solution for a problem can only come from the mental plane. They loathe stupidity.

Nevertheless, they are somehow naive and can be targeted & manipulated by people with deceiving intentions. Great vision upon the financial domain where they can obtain impressive results using ingenious techniques, different form their competitors. They adapt very well to foreign environments living in another culture or climate.

99999 – very rarely. Extremely mental and conservative individuals. May seem conceited. They try to manifest and express themselves in the field of dramatic art or academic environments. These people can manipulate others in order to obtain their goals, can be revengeful if someone hurts them. They have to be careful because abusing their mental power to manipulate other’s way of thinking can backfire and they too can eventually become targets of manipulation and hidden games.

*Necessary reads:

What is Psychomatix and how to calculate your cosmic code (cipher)

Part 1 of the Pythagorean square cells interpretation

P.S. This is life changing information. Make it viral!

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Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.

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