how to interpret a numerology chart

Pythagorean Square (Psychomatrix) Analysis And Interpretation

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We are going to analyze some psychomatrix examples and see their interpretation so you can better understand the importance of this knowledge in your life and how to use it to your benefit.

I want to say a few things first. Every person is unique and has his/her Cosmic Codification given by the Universe. We are not allowed to judge anyone based on their matrix composition, that’s the way the Universe / Higher Selves decided we have to come here.

We have lesson to learn, karma to repair, things to experience and so on. So, if a person is not inclined toward starting a family (weak family vector) or he’s not made to work physically (no digits in the cells of 6 or 4) – they are made for something else in this life other than raising a family and working their butts off.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. They may be original creators, scientists, researchers, artists meant to experience specific things in this life or geniuses. inventors meant to bring real progress for humanity.

Knowing these principles, we should strive to understand and accept the persons next to us. And decide if we want to engage into a relationship with them, taking them as they are. Sure, they can work to level up and enhance some qualities where it’s needed – but that depends only on their willingness to learn about themselves and consciously upgrade those capacities.

Personality and destination are things that cannot be changed as those are their real selves and purpose in this life – not expressing / fulfilling them will lead to suffering, disappointment and lack of joy in their lives.


Psychomatrix Interpretation Example 1

Psychomatrix / Pythagorean Square (Born On 15 July 1972)

Physical Body/Health

Let’s analyze the psychomatrix of this particular person born on 15.07.1972. What can we say about this person? We’ve already learned how to calculate the Cosmic Codification and for this person is the following: 15.7.1972.

First of all this person has a type 6 personality with life path (destination) 5. The bridge between these two values is 1 – which this person will have to learn (be more independent).

It’s not an easy life 6 being the loving, protector, teacher and healer that needs to become a player on the scene of life, to differentiate and search for new, innovating ways to do things and intense experiences in life.

It helps that his personality (inner vibration) is made from 1 and 5 (two masculine vibrations pertaining to fire element) so this person is pretty feisty and restless sometimes.

Analyzing the vectors in this psychomatrix we can see that this person is pretty capable to set objectives in life (4 digits) and theoretically capable to pursue them to completion. However, his psychic is a little weak and he lacks any digits at 4 so it will have to be careful about his health.

No digits on the 6 also means that this person does not like physical work and is not meant for that. His goals and implication will imply mostly using  the knowledge, wisdom and insight given by the cell of 7 where two digits are present. And of course his great cognition given by the cell of 3.

In the family/social life vector we see that this person can and wishes to start a family early in life, but he will have to improve that lack of responsibility (no digits at 8) for any relationship to last and be harmonious. Or choose a partner to complement and supply more than 2 digits in the cell of 8. He has good energy, is liked by everyone and has great self esteem and logical & intuitive capabilities.

More:  Vectors: Lines & Diagonals In Psychomatrix

The vector of stability and material welfare shows that this person is pretty stable and has certain habits and attachments very hard to change or let go. No digits at 6 shows that money is their permanent worry and preoccupation, not being able to work and hunt (be aggressive) in the business field. He needs someone to push him in that direction or to coach him. Or marry someone with 1 or 2 digits in the cell of 6.

The cell of 3 is his most populated cell of the square (the most important asset) and shows a very well informed individual, a great analytical mind, great interpretative and synthesizing capacities He may have a special undiscovered talent or skill. Also this shows a great thirst toward exploration and experiences in life.

The vector of vitality and self-evaluation is overcharged and speaks about a person that wants to stand out of the crowd and express himself. Usually he overestimates himself, not putting the necessary effort in using all his qualities efficiently.

The spiritual/determination vector reveals a real spiritual individual who needs to understand and connect with spiritual world. He is also capable to involve into a specific career with determination if he chooses so.

The orientation toward goals/compassion/sensuality vector is the most important (higher value) and fully populated vector (seven digits). Not having any digits in the cell of 6 (male/female) tells me that this vector talks more about capacity to manifest compassion rather than sexuality.

Or, his sexuality can/will manifest to extremes in some situations having such great potential. We see a very magnetic, charming, temperamental individual, capable to achieve his goals in life.

The ladder of happiness (deepest desire) – for this person is to manifest in life as a highly compassionate individual and will work toward this goal relentlessly (value 33 from 7 digits). Being a personality 6 (healer and nurturer) is very understandable and fits perfectly here.

That’s it, in short, the interpretation of this matrix. To fully analyze and interpret every cell of the square use the part 1 and part 2 of the pshychomatrix cells explanation.


Psychomatrix Interpretation Example 2

Let’s take another example. Let’s calculate the matrix of a person born on 9 November 2001. After doing the mathematical calculations explained here, we come up with this person’s personal psycho matrix codification:


We fill in the squares and this codification reveals the following psychomatrix:

Psychomatrix / Pythagorean Square (Born On 9 November 2001)

Physical Body/Health

Reading the matrix, what can we say about this person?

The top value vector is is the descending 1-5-9 diagonal (18), so the most important desire in this person’s life is to perform and succeed into a chosen career. Also is highly important for him/her to develop and enjoy a spiritual existence.

The individual has all chances to succeed because his objective line 1-4-7 is well populated showing a strong personality, psychic and will power as well as good organizing skills and body resistance capable to endure heavy work and psychical effort.

The family vector is not enough populated which tells me that this person is not so inclined toward family life or need to start a family. If he/she will marry the partner will have to be the one taking over important responsibilities related to a home and family, because the lack of any 8s shows a person less capable of taking care of duties and commitment.

More:  Life Path 9 Meaning In Numerology: The Dedicated Spiritual

Still, the individual will be able to work hard and provide for the family if he/she will start one.

The vector of compassion and sensuality is weak so considering the lack of (6) and the presence of just one (2) in the matrix we understand that sexual life is not that important for this individual. That pairs well with the family/social vector.

This person doesn’t have or consolidate many habits along the way so he/she can adapt easily to any change in life and environment. The energy level is pretty low so he/she will have to be careful how to use it to be more efficient throughout the day. The person is more impulsive than rational, he or she has good self esteem and usually feels good about himself/herself.

On the material welfare he/she is not so fortunate, the 3-6-9 vector has only one digit. This person’s fulfillment in life has little to do with money, as we see. Still, if he/she decides to start amassing a fortune that will require developing and completing this vector. (Or marry someone with a stronger vector).

This aspect require some efforts and will depend on first making a 3 – using determination (1111) to gain more energy for the body (2) then get to the necessary information (lacking 3).

Because the energy flows from up to down and left to right.

Then he/she will have to work upon making a 6 – meaning after learning the necessary & sufficient information (3), become more practical, grounded and hunt in the business field (6) using intelligence (9) to complete the vector and start amassing money and material goods.


Calculate and interpret yours to know and understand yourself better. Discover your strengths and weaknesses, your ladder of happiness and real skills & possibilities. It can change your life.

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Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.

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