number 3 in numerology

Life Path Number 3 In Numerology & Careers: The Creative

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Number 3 in numerology represents Creation/Trinity. It’s a powerful force symbolizing the productive force of man and creative force of God on different levels. The number of harmonious development, a dynamic masculine energy looking to express, explore and multiply.number 3 in numerology Memory, information, energy, logic, communication. The capacity to express and make social contacts. The creative optimist, the visionary, energetic, witty, spirited, spontaneous. Desire to communicate information and knowledge, to verbally express, to bond with others.

  • Element → Air
  • Day → Thursday
  • Planet → Jupiter
  • Energy → Yang
  • ColorYellow


Movement: outwards, expanding, eager to explore and learn.

Positives: creative, optimistic, joyful, sociable, passionate, courteous, refined, funny, explorer, traveler, speaker, artist, imaginative, cognition, mental power, expressive.

Negatives: critical, superficial, vain, jealous, suspicious, impulsive, liar, lazy, not practical, exaggerated, extravagant, exhibitionist.

Fears: fear of getting old, fear of restrictions, fear of getting bored, not getting access to knowledge or information, not being able to travel.

birth day number 3

Personality / Soul Number 3

If you’re born on any of these dates: 3, 12, 21, 30 of the month → your Inner Vibration is 3, and you love to express yourself in any possible way. You have the chance to go easily through life, make money and achieve success without too much effort.

Humor and laughter being core ingredients of their true Self, 3s life purpose is to bring love, joy and understanding in people’s lives. To make them understand life’s problems, obstacles and daily hardships belong to the inevitable side of human existence which we must overcome with calm optimism. They were born to illuminate and guide the lives of those who get in contact with.

Their joy for live and cheerfulness attracts everyone and they quickly become the soul of the party. They’re very optimistic, refusing to see things from a negative perspective. They trust the unfolding of life, always cheering up those around them. Living in their proximity means to enjoy life, to relax and learn to take things as they are. No other vibration offers such grace, sparkle and charm. No one knows better than 3s to enjoy life’s pleasures and comfort.

People governed by number 3 feel a permanent need to learn, create, to make something new, to express themselves. They love to speak and posses a sharp mind. They shine, they’re enchanting and very attractive, they scatter their energy in many directions seeing 3 different opportunities at the same time. 3s are full of energy, dynamic and have lots of imagination.

They learn anything quickly and make it their own and that’s why they’re are considered the luckiest people, many achieving success early in life. People often fall under impression that 3s are favored by fate and everything is dropping down from above for them without much struggle and work.

Being generous and idealistic but lacking the practical side, they’re often considered superficial, unrealistic and not grounded. They are capable to sacrifice everything for an ideal and give all up to help their friends. 3s can be easily manipulated and influenced especially when their generosity and vanity are tackled. As employers they will never terrorize their employees, but accept their ideas, stimulating their initiative. It’s always nice to work with or for a 3.

Their artistic nature and constant need to shine often leads them to perform in the showbiz world – on the stage, which is the perfect place for them to fully manifest their sparkling personalities. Important artists, singers, movie stars and VIPs are born under the number 3. 3s are always ready to be on the roads, love to travel and explore as much as they can.

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Proud and independent, sometimes they’re ambitious and look to achieve power. Their shortcomings come from the fact that 3s dissipate their power and energy in too many directions. They begin multiple things in life but few of them get to completion.

type 3 personality

Positive Traits Of Number 3 In Numerology

Main traits and qualities of number 3 in numerology are linked to mental sharpness and the ability express and explore. They are natural born speakers, spirited, highly social, popular, love to play and have fun, people usually gather around them to listen and feel entertained. Their energy and vitality are contagious that’s why they are immediately liked and accepted by others.

They’re extremely optimistic, feel good in crowds and gatherings and bring color and fun wherever they go. They’re full or energy, enthusiasm, spirit, joy, bursting with vigor and freshness many of them managing to maintain a youthful appearance even in their late 40’s. Attractive, chic and often vain they like to take care of their body shape, appearance and style.

They’re spontaneous, sympathetic, friendly, communicative and highly sociable people. Their kind and expressive nature makes them admired and popular because they’re also active, skilled and enthusiastic and they’re not trying to impose their point of view. Full of charm, 3s subjugate those around them through their sparkling personality, winning many friends and admirers.

Generous, kind, sensible and emotional 3s have a lot to give, often responding to their friends needs and shortcomings. They will never stop searching for love, beauty, variety and perfection in life. They are people of light detesting materialism, monotony, restrictions and mediocrity.

3s have a analytical mind, they are always thirsty for information and knowledge. They like to explore into unknown which often leads them to invent and innovate. Science is full of inventors and very creative minds governed by number 3.

number 3 personality traits

Negative Traits Of Number 3 In Numerology

A negative and unbalanced 3 talks too much and can mystify truth. If his mental energy it’s not put to work towards creating something useful, he will exaggerate or ‘invent’ things and occurrences. Sometimes he believes in his mind half of those gibberish he spreads around effervescently.

They can become frivolous, cocky, cynical, conceited, vain and superficial. Unbalanced 3s are capable to anything just to get attention and show off. They can promise things that can’t deliver, overly spend money to impress, lie to achieve their goals and interests. That can attract conflicts and adversaries.

They would avoid responsibility and sometimes refuse to confront problems and overcome obstacles. They can become hypocrites, capricious, lazy and very indulgent with themselves. Some can think everything is permitted because they can obtain anything through their charm.

3s lack patience and get mentally consumed quickly and excessively. They get easily bored and become nervous, cranky, hot-tempered and irritable.

On the financial side, 3s are unpredictable and exuberant, never interested in saving money – their think money exist to be spent and enjoyed. If they could, they would drain their own budget and others too. They refuse to reduce spending to their strictly needs and love to waste money on worthless items, making gifts, loan money and help those in need.

They need to learn to temperate their spending habits or best to transfer their budget administration to someone else. Because in spite their ability to make money easy, they’re often falling short.

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Life Path 3 – The Animator, The Communicator

To calculate your Life Path add all digits of your Birth Day, Month and Year one by one to obtain the sum, then reduce it to one digit.

Ex: If you’re born on 6 May 1981 your Life Path is Number 3.

6+5+1+9+8+1=30 → 3+0=3

Destiny→ Life marked by ideas, talents and personal creations. Artistic activity – performance, interpretation, composition or more practical – communication, transmission, trading.

Qualities to acquire → extrovert, social skills, creative, love to play & have fun, joy of life, unsettled, explorer.

If you’re Life Path (Destination) is Number 3 you have to become a good communicator, a creative & joyful player in life.

  • Direction: to learn how to bring happiness in your life
  • Opportunities: to fully use your imagination and creativity

life path 3 careers

Recommended Jobs & Careers

Personality type 3 will stand out wherever his/her qualities can be best and fully & individually expressed. They will succeed as speakers, motivators, coaches, trainers, professors, teachers, writers, musicians, artists, singers, dancers, actors, poets.

3s will also do well in the science world, IT, commerce, sales, communication, networking – wherever there is something to research and explore, analyze, memorize, to be shared as knowledge and information with the world.

number 3 love couples compatibility

Number 3 Love & Compatibility

— Compatibilities are ALWAYS made between Soul Numbers, not Life Paths (!) —

3s are tender, affective and understanding. People born under vibration 3 strongly react to every stimuli, fully living every experience life throws in their way. Their response to love is passionate. Until they met their ‘match’, 3s cam be considered voluble and unsettled due to their attractive, charming nature & popularity.

With every new encounter that makes them feel somehow attracted, 3s think they’re really ‘in love’. They don’t wanna hurt anybody, just that this ingenuous love lasts until another special persons appear that charms them again.

Their fantasy and imagination deviate them from reality, which makes it hard for anyone to reach 3s idealistic level of expectations. They’re actually in love with the idea of love. But when they truly love someone, it’s sincere and with all their heart.

They love to get attention, turn-heads and subjugate others trough their charming and sparkling nature. As husbands or wives they are loyal, gentle and tender. They enjoy family life and love their families.

Opposed to 1s, they are not domineering, bossy or possessive – even though 3s can have their temperamental moments. They forgive easily and not hold any grudge. Their most stable relations can be made with 3s, 1s, 5s, and 9 due to their common optimistic way to see life.

Type 3 personality can adapt to any number, so ultimately they can bond with more serious and profound numbers as 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8. Differences between them being many, lack of adaptability can come from these numbers which may consider 3’s seemingly frivolous and charming personality as too superficial for their needs.

As a result, failing to really know them, they lose their chance to a happy, loving and strong relationship.

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Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.

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